Mid adult female trekker drinking from plastic water bottle while looking away.

Enzymatic biosolutions hold the key to reducing the environmental impact of plastics and increasing recyclability 

We can do better than 10% - together

Did you know? Every year the world produces 350-400 million tonnes of non-recyclable plastic waste.1 And currently, less than 10% has been recycled.2. To reduce plastic pollution, we have to rethink the way we produce, use and recycle plastic. This is where biosolutions come in. 

1,2. OECD Global Plastics Outlook - Policy Scenarios to 2060 (2022) 

It’s time to make a difference

At the current rate, plastic waste is set to triple by 2060.1 Much of that will likely end up in landfill, in our oceans or in the food chain as microplastics. It’s a huge global problem. 

New rules, such as the EU’s latest legislation, aim to minimize the amount of packaging waste generated.2 


1. https://www.oecd.org/environment/global-plastic-waste-set-to-almost-triple-by-2060.htm 

2. https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/waste-and-recycling/packaging-waste_en 


shopping in supermarket, taking out a bottle of juice into a shopping basket

Why plastic is not just plastic

Biosolutions hold the key to enabling us to recycle more plastics. They will also allow us to produce plastic from renewable sources, replace fossil-fuel building blocks and create biodegradable plastics.

  • Man Placing plastic box of Vegetables in the Shopping Cart

    Biobased plastics for food-grade packaging

    To speed up the use of biobased plastics and reduce packaging’s environmental impact, enzymes should be classified for the purpose.  Biodegradable plastic should also be encouraged where recycling is not an option. Biobased and biodegradable PLA plastics should be approved for food grade use. 

  • Plastic recycling center

    Investment in new recycling facilities

    To discourage landfill and plastic incineration, many countries have already imposed a ban on single-use plastics. In 2025, an ambitious new EU regulation comes into force to ensure that 50% of all plastic packaging is recycled. The EU also plans to ban the export of plastic waste. 

  • Preteen ecological girl cleaning beach from plastic waste

    Meet consumer demands for sustainable solutions

    Today, plastic food packaging has a significant effect on our environment. More and more consumers are demanding sustainable packaging solutions. 

    Enzymes are the key to meeting these demands. They will enable us to develop biodegradable and biobased plastics and relieve pressure on our environment.

The time for sustainable plastics is now

Interested in producing more sustainable and biodegradable plastics? We already have solutions that will allow you to increase the recyclability of certain plastics. And we’re here to help ensure you reach your goals.

Woman hand recycling plastic bottles

The power of partnership

Working together is a powerful way to bring about change

  • Woman holding take away cup of coffee

    Let’s work together to reach your goals

    Creating more environmentally friendly plastic is complicated by the many types of plastic in use. 

    We partner with companies to develop innovative solutions that answer the world’s pressing plastic challenges and increase sustainability and biodegradability. 

  • Boy sitting with lunch box

    Reusing PET without compromising quality

    Our partner, French biotech company Carbios, developed two unique biotechnologies to rethink the life cycle of plastics and textiles. 

    We’re scaling up production of its patented PET-degrading enzymes while their team is finalizing the design of the world’s first biological recycling facility. 

What can biosolutions do for you?

Interested in learning how biosolutions can help solve the plastic recycling challenge and boost your business? Then fill out the form and one of our experts will be in touch shortly. 

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