Welcome to Novozymes Brandguide



Using a consistent brand style makes Novozymes a recognizable and familiar presence to all our customers, partners, and colleagues. This guide outlines the basic principles of our visual identity to help us maintain the Novozymes brand.

Why we have two versions of some visual identity tools

When the proposed merger with Chr. Hansen was announced, Novozymes was in the process of updating its visual identity. Elements from the new visual identity had already been taken into use on the new Novozymes.com, the annual report as well as some high level customer presentations and product launches.
Zymers can therefore choose between the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ visual identity for e.g. presentations until we become NewCo. That means that there is no requirement to change into the ‘new’ visual identity.

Tone of voice

Design elements

Need help?

Need help, inspiration, or guidance? Reach out to the Novozymes brand team.