
Efficient and selective carbohydrases for every reaction need

Make your production more cost-effective and sustainable with an extensive toolbox of naturally-sourced carbohydrases for a wide range of purposes.

Carbohydrases hero

Future-proof your products with green chemistry

Conventional fine chemicals often suffer from a number of unsustainable traits, not least their petrochemical origin, scarce supply, and the fact that they can be pollutants that create waste.

At the same time companies need to demonstrate more sustainable manufacturing processes with a reduced environmental impact.

So how can you meet the growing demand for pharmaceuticals with cost-effective fine chemicals that leave no impact on our planet, its people, and animals?

The 12 Principles of green chemistry

Achieve more with carbohydrases

Carbohydrases are a class of enzyme that catalyze carbohydrates into simple sugars. Novozymes offers a range of carbohydrase products to help hydrolyze (1,4)- and (1,6)-alpha-D-glucosidic linkages at the non-reducing ends of polysaccharides. This enables the formation of selective cyclodextrins that can reduce carbohydrates, such as starch and dextran, into smaller units.

Biocatalysis with carbohydrases give you cost savings, greater sustainability and better productivity. You can also achieve higher-quality active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates.

Fine chemicals achieve more icons

Get expert advice on how to get started on your biocatalysis transition

We’re happy to put you in touch with our industry experts for advice on optimizing your process or finding the right solution or sample to meet your needs. Book a no-obligation meeting with our experts today and let them help you to:

  • Identify the right products or product class for your biocatalysis applications
  • Get technical support related to screening and selection of relevant enzyme samples to be tested in new experimental applications
  • Demonstrate the financial and environmental benefits of transitioning from chemicals to biocatalysis
expert photo

Novozymes is the world leader in biological solutions

With the world’s largest and most diverse collection of enzyme strains, coupled with a global, robust and reliable supply,  Novozymes is here to help you unlock the full potential of your biocatalysis route and make your manufacturing processes more sustainable.

Novozymes Lyngby Innovation Campus

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