Biosolutions for healthy, nutritious baked goods

What do consumers consider ‘healthy’ in baked goods? It’s more of the good stuff obviously – consumers want high fiber and protein levels. But it’s also less of the ‘bad’, or what they perceive to be unhealthy ingredients or compounds. Give customers everything they want in delicious, healthy baked goods, with our biosolutions.


Eat yourself healthy

For many consumers, food plays a key role in their quest for better health. As a staple food in most cultures, bread has the potential to deliver on many of their nutritional needs. And whether consumers are looking for gluten-free, high-fiber, or high-protein, with biosolutions you can help them eat themselves healthier.

healthy food

Give consumers the healthier baked goods they demand

bread goods

Healthier baked goods | Baking enzymes from Novozymes

Consumers want to eat more healthily. But they also want the comfort of indulging in baked goods that are a feast for the senses. With biosolutions, you can create better-for-you baked goods that consumers will love to indulge in. 


Reclaim your freedom to formulate

More natural, healthier baked goods are a key demand from consumers. As natural processing aids, biosolutions are the reliable way to meet this demand. They help you create appealing baked goods while eliminating your need for emulsifiers.


Bake whole wheat bread a whole lot better

Wholegrain and wholewheat flours are high in vitamins and minerals, more sustainable and higher in fiber. What if you could deliver these benefits to consumers in breads with a texture they’ll love? With biosolutions, you can.


Bridge the gap with appealing high-fiber bread

The Fiber Gap is the dietary fiber deficit found in many Westernized diets. And many consumers are looking for ways to close it. With biosolutions, you help consumers close the fiber gap with bread that’s deliciously soft and moist.

How much CO₂ emissions can you save by reducing bread waste with Novamyl 3D?

Baking biosolutions for a healthier planet

Family enjoying a meal at the table

Baking that’s better for our planet

In many places, the food we throw out goes to landfill, where it produces greenhouse gases. And whether in supermarkets or households, bread is one of the most wasted foods. That’s because most consumers won’t compromise on bread freshness. Our biosolutions can help.

food loss and waste

Tackling loss and waste in baking

Food that’s lost and wasted across our food systems could feed over one billion hungry people every year. And food waste is also a significant contributor to emissions. Biosolutions keep a wide range of baked goods fresher for longer to help tackle food loss and waste.

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