Biosolutions for peanuts

Increase the natural processes your plants need to maximize your peanut yield

Agricultural peanut fields

Improving peanut yields through the power of biosolutions

As a peanut producer, getting the most from your crops and your land is the key to a successful season. Every year, conditions change and present a new set of challenges.

Novozymes biosolutions help maximize your peanut yields through enhanced nitrogen fixation, improved communication within the rhizosphere, and by releasing bound nutrients.


How do we get more from one acre?

We can’t make more land, so we have to find ways to do more with the land we have. Regardless of the crops you grow, one of the keys to meeting production goals is to get the best yield possible out of every acre.

Watch the video to see how Novozymes biosolutions help you produce more with less…and help the planet in the process.

Peanut acres on the rise

USDA projections for 2023 show an increase in planted peanut acreage—7% in the U.S., for a total of 1.547 million acres nationwide*. With commodity prices on the rise as well, this represents a great opportunity for peanut farmers.

However, the only way to take full advantage of a booming market is to ensure that you get the best possible yield from every acre…every season.

*Oklahoma Farm Report, April 24, 2023

farmer checking peanut plants on an agricultural field

Seasonal challenges in peanut production

Each season, there are a number of obstacles standing between you and better peanut crop yields, including:

  • Moisture. Early in the season, a water deficit can cause growth delays while at harvest it can be troublesome.

  • Plant stress due to the unpredictable, changing climate.

  • Timing when to dig to ensure proper oil content and seed quality.
Peanuts from the fields with roots

Finding the answers in nature

Our biosolutions are able to strengthen your crop’s natural potential and enhance the surrounding environment.

They do so by improving nitrogen fixation, increasing plant-microbe communication within the rhizosphere, and improving nutrient availability.

peanuts on the right under purple background

Novozymes BioAg solutions for peanuts

Novozymes’ family of bioyield inoculants for peanuts is formulated to boost nitrogen fixation and improve nodulation for better plant development.

They enhance overall plant nutrition and help mitigate stress by increasing the availability of key nutrients to plant roots. And they improve how peanut plants use those nutrients, supporting plant vigor and encouraging growth and shoot development. The result is a more robust crop—and improved yield potential.

Peanuts with roots

Ready to maximize your peanut yields? Let's talk!

Not in the United States? Explore Novozymes BioAg solutions for your region