Biosolutions for soybeans

Improve nitrogen fixation and boost yields to keep pace with growing soybean demand

soybean plant with flowers

Using biology to boost
soybean yields

As a soybean producer, getting the most out of your land and your crop is crucial. Conditions change every year, and each grower has a unique set of challenges.

Novozymes biosolutions help improve nitrogen fixation and stress tolerance and promote early vigor, ultimately maximizing your soybean yields.

Soybean plant

What is LCO Promoter Technology®?

LCO (Lipo-chitooligosaccharide) is a unique molecule that increases mycorrhizal associations when applied in-furrow and enhances photosynthesis when applied as a foliar application.

Watch the video to see how LCO Promoter Technology® can boost the stress tolerance and yield of your soybean crop.

Demand is up…

Demand for soybeans is growing worldwide. In the U.S. alone, soybean production is expected to grow by more than 5% by the end of 2024, with global production expected to reach a record 410.6 million metric tons—up 40.2 million metric tons from the year before*.

This trend is a positive sign for soybean producers. However, you're feeling the pressure to continue producing more, with less, each year.

*USDA Economic Research Service Report

peanuts pods on a field

…but meeting that demand is not without challenges

A variety of factors stand between you and your ability to increase soybean yields to meet demand. Some of the more common challenges include:

  • Unpredictable weather conditions that lead to plant stress.

  • A variety of pests and diseases that can cause serious damage to crops.

  • Meeting the plants’ nutritional needs, applying the right inputs at the right time.
soybean plant field

LCO Promoter Technology® in action 

Lynn Harrell of Harrell Bros. Farms, a long-time dealer and customer of Novozymes products, shares his success with using Novozymes Torque® and Ratchet® in his farming operation. 

Help is all around us

Mother Nature may cause you and your crops stress, but it can also provide solutions to enhance your crops’ natural potential. 

Enzymes and microorganisms are integral parts of the biological process that work with plants and the surrounding environment.

soybean on the right under blue background

Novozymes BioAg solutions for soybeans

Novozymes’ family of bioyield inoculants and LCO Promoter Technology® products help you deliver the yields you need to meet growing soybean demand.

Our biosolutions are formulated to sustainably enhance nitrogen fixation and improve the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and boost the plants’ ability to utilize these key nutrients. They also promote early vigor and better root and shoot development and improve stress tolerance.

The result? Stronger crops and improved yield potential

soybean plant in farming field

Find the soybean solution that's right for you

Cell-Tech® for soybeans - US (Granular)
SoybeansInoculantGranularRegion: United States
  • Enhances nitrogen fixation potential
  • Improves yield potential
  • Supports early vigor
  • In-furrow
Cell-Tech® XC
SoybeansInoculantXC liquidRegion: United States
  • Low use rate of 1.16 fl oz
  • Longer on-seed survivability of 30 days
  • Convenient and flexible package sizes to treat up to 400 units per case
  • Provides highly effective nodulation to enhance nitrogen fixation
Cell-Tech® for soybeans - US (Peat)
CT Peat box
SoybeansInoculantPeatRegion: United States
  • Highly effective bradyrhizobium
  • Peat and liquid formulations available for grower applied on-seed or in-furrow application
  • Economical soybean inoculant
  • Compatibility: Cell-Tech liquid offers four-days on-seed with most seed treatments Cell-Tech peat offers two-days on seed when applied alone
Cue® for soybeans
SoybeansSignaling TechnologyLiquidRegion: United States
  • Signaling component connecting plants to organisms in the rhizosphere
  • Convenient low on-seed use rate
  • Soybean signaling compound promoting: Earlier nodule formation, Root surface area, Stress tolerance
  • Compatible with most seed treatments
Jumpstart Liquid
Multi-ApplicationInoculantLiquidRegion: United States
  • Improves availability of bound phosphate in the soil​
  • NEW liquid formulation for easy application​
  • Broad seed treatment and inoculant compatibility​
  • Proven field results​
  • Contains a phosphate-solubilizing biological that frees up soil bound phosphorus for your crop improving: root growth and shoot development stress tolerance, early season vigor
NodPro® LCO
NodPro product
SoybeansLCO Promoter TechnologyLiquidRegion: United States
  • Powerful nodulation signaling molecule​
  • Seed treatment compatible, use with or without Rhizobia inoculant
  • Broad acre proven field results​
  • With fortified LCO Promoter Technology® as a soybean seed treatment delivering growth through: Earlier nodule formation, Mycorrhizal associations, Yield potential boost
Optimize® FXC DS - US
optimize fxc ds
SoybeansInoculantLiquidRegion: United States
  • Highly effective dual strain bradyrhizobium
  • Powerful nodulation signaling molecule
  • Broad compatibility with 120 days on-seed with most seed treatments
  • NEW formulation with improved yield performance
  • With fortified LCO Promoter Technology® and two strains of Bradyrhizobia japonicum
Multi-ApplicationLCO Promoter TechnologyLiquidRegion: United States
  • Powerful signal molecule that activates plant processes
  • Compatible with variety of foliar herbicide, fungicides, insecticides, and nutritional products​
  • Wide application window and tank mix options
  • LCO Promoter Technology®
Torque® IF
Torque IF
Multi-ApplicationLCO Promoter TechnologyLiquidRegion: United States
  • Powerful signal molecule between plant and soil organisms
  • Compatible with variety of liquid nutritional products, fungicides and insecticides
  • Wide application window including in-furrow at time of planting or soil applied side-dress
  • LCO Promoter Technology®
Tag team
SoybeansInoculantGranularRegion: United States
  • Two living biologicals in one product
  • Phosphate-solubilizing biological
  • In-furrow application
QuickRoots® WP for soybean
Multi-ApplicationInoculantWettable powderRegion: United States
  • Two living organisms in one product
  • Improves availability of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium
  • Planter box formulation available for ease of application
QuickRoots® PB for soybean
quick roots
Multi-ApplicationInoculantPlanter boxRegion: United States
  • Two living organisms in one product
  • Improves availability of nitrogen, phosphate and potassium
  • Planter box formulation available for ease of application

Ready to maximize your soybean yields? Let's talk!

Not in the United States? Explore Novozymes BioAg solutions for your region