Meet the future demands of corn wet milling

Maximize your starch and corn gluten meal (CGM) output with the same amount of corn—all while reducing CO2 emissions and energy costs

Balancing competitiveness and environmental impact

The growth expectations for the starch sweetener industry may be challenging for you as a corn wet miller. That means the focus on preparing your plant for long-term success maintaining competitive margins and a profitable business has never been more critical. 

At the same time, there’s an important commitment to reduce environmental impact. These two goals - matching production to demand and sustainability - often seem at odds with one another. 

Short-term solutions usually fall short

Mechanical separation has reached its limits, leaving valuable starch, CGM, and excess moisture in your corn fiber. This means your mill isn’t being used to its full potential. And boosting your output through short-term solutions with diminishing returns sacrifices long-term competitiveness for short-term gains.  

What if there is a way to boost your mill’s starch and CGM output and release feed house capacity while, at the same time, saving on fiber drying costs and reducing your environmental footprint? 

worker working at the control room of a factory

The time for biosolutions in corn wet milling is now

With biosolutions for corn wet milling, you can release more starch, protein, and water from your corn fibers while also reducing energy use and CO2 emissions.  

Frontia® Fiberwash and Frontia® Prime are the only enzyme solutions that allow state-of-the-art separation efficiency with the highest yields of starch and CGM while also reducing moisture in your corn fiber to the lowest possible level.  

Achieve a new standard in separation efficiency

Adding Frontia® Fiberwash or Frontia® Prime to your mechanical separation takes your separation to a new level, matching production to demand to ensure that you rise to the challenge of a competitive market, preparing your corn wet milling operation for the future and setting up your plant for long-term success. 

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Release more starch

Boost your margins by achieving higher starch yield from your current grind or producing the same amount of starch with less input. 

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Release more corn gluten meal

Boost your margins by achieving higher protein yield from your current grind, increasing your CGM output and contribution margin. 

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Release more moisture

Release more water from your corn fiber, reducing drying energy to free up feed house capacity, save money, and reduce CO2 emissions. 

Become an industry leader in sustainability

You don’t need to sacrifice “doing good” for “doing well.” Novonesis biosolutions for enzymatic separation enable you to reach your production targets with less corn. Enzymatic separation reduces bottlenecks with lower/less solids and water load in the feed house, reducing your environmental footprint with less energy consumption and lower carbon emissions*.

Save energy:  Significantly improved dewatering reduces the amount of fossil fuel-based steam for fiber drying. 

Reduce CO2:  Meeting your production goals with less corn results in a potential CO2 reduction of up to 12 kg/metric ton of corn. 

* Gernaey B. (2021) Life cycle assessment of Application of Frontia Jade in corn milling, conducted and third-party reviewed according to ISO 14040/44 standards (Novozymes A/S internal report)  

save energy and reduce CO2 text

Calculate your savings 

How much can your mill cut costs and Co2 using the power of biosolutions?

Use our handy calculator to find out. 

corn wet milling calculator interface on a laptop

Which biosolution is right for your mill?

Frontia® Fiberwash

Our first-generation wet milling enzyme allows you to reduce moisture in your corn fiber, save energy costs, and lower your CO2 emissions. 

Frontia® Prime 

The second-generation enzyme for wet milling enables you to boost starch and CGM output significantly while also reducing moisture in your corn fiber, saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. 

What could this mean for your business? Fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch

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