Unlock the appeal of pulse breads

Consumers want healthy, protein- and fiber-rich breads. But they also demand breads that look appealing and deliver a great eating experience.

Are you ready to overcome the texture and appearance challenges associated with pulses to unlock the appeal of pulse breads?

The four key benefits of pulses

High in protein

As well as having twice the protein content of whole grain cereals, the amino acid profile of pulses is the perfect pairing with wheat. Combining wheat and pulses results in a complete protein.

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High in fiber

Pulses are a great source of soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are essential to good health. Soluble fiber helps control blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Insoluble fiber helps digestion.

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High in essential nutrients

Pulses are packed full of key minerals and vitamins including iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folate, thiamin and niacin.

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More sustainable

Pulses improve the soil’s ability to absorb natural CO2 emissions. Because pulses can fix nitrogen, they also need less fertilizer. Fixing nitrogen makes the soil more fertile, which helps other plants flourish.

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What do consumers think of pulse breads?

Mintel recently named pulses as one of the ingredients to watch in bakery for 2021 and beyond. But we wanted to find out just how accepting consumers are of pulse breads. So we partnered with market research experts Ipsos to get insights from 3,000+ consumers around the world. Here’s an overview of our key findings.

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Overcome the challenges of baking with pulses

As the survey findings showed, consumers want healthy, protein- and fiber-rich breads.

But they also want bread that looks appealing and delivers a good eating experience.

Valena® Pulse G is an innovative enzymatic solution that helps you give consumers more of what they want from pulse breads.

Putting Valena® Pulse G to the test

We tested the performance of Valena® Pulse G on chickpeas – a top choice of consumers in our study.

The results were clear. Valena® Pulse G significantly improves bread appearance, volume and texture.

Get the report for more insights

Find out what might make consumers in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States more interested in pulse breads. Learn what would make them pay more for pulse breads, and which pulse ingredients they’d prefer in their breads.

Fill in the form and start downloading the insights report

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Explore our Healthy Baking solutions​

wholewheat bread

Valena® Wholewheat

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Valena® Fiber

Most people are not getting enough fiber – this deficiency is known as The Fiber Gap. Bread is a great way to get more fiber, but fiber also tends to make bread denser and drier. How can you bake an appealing, soft, high-fiber bread that stays fresh for longer and reduce your need for emulsifiers at the same time?

Let’s unlock the value together. Get in touch to find out how we can help you give consumers the healthy, appealing baked goods they demand.